4 Steps to Successfully Coordinate Your Content Today

4 Steps to Successfully Coordinate Your Content Today

Define how youre going to measure the success of your campaign efforts with three to four key performance indicators (KPIs) based on conversion, referral, and share of voice metrics. Measure your campaign through brand exposure, engagement, influence and lead generation metrics.

Develop detailed personas so you can craft your content towards the habits, interests, and consumption patterns of these individuals. Then, map the content themes with buyer personas. Think about how your personas want to be marketed to and create content that supports their needs. Keyword research can help with understanding of how and what your customers or prospects are looking for when they hit Google and create a grouping of personas based on age, gender, interests, profession, geographic location, webbehavior, and consumption patterns.

Like a meal, coordinating content takes strategy, planning, communication, and access to an arsenal of tools. Missing just one of these stepscan result in a poor end product.

Content marketing and cooking have a lot in common. Youve got the chef (executive editor) who plans, delegates, edits, and manages the flow of the execution. The sous chef (writer) is right-hand man to the chef, following intricate orders of produce the meal (content). Though your dinner guests (readers) of a feast do not see what goes on behind the scenes, they are the ultimate judge. The end product portrays aclear reflection of what goes on behind the scenes.

Original Source: searchenginejournal.com

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