5 Uses Of Augmented Reality For Marketing Purposes

5 Uses Of Augmented Reality For Marketing Purposes

We are living in a moment where technology has been implemented in lots of aspects of our daily life. Technological advances are such that allow us to do things we wouldnt think possible decades ago. The simple fact of paying a product online under no risk is such a big advance for the business. But has not stopped there. Technology has revolutionised the way companies advertise, sell, communicate and interact with customers. If technology goes this far, makes sense to have a constant eye on new digital possibilities and take advantage of them before the competitors do.

The augmented reality is a live direct or indirect view of a physical environment from the real environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated o extracted real-world sensory input such as sound video, graphics, or GPS. With augmented reality, advertisers create campaigns that integrate the digital world into the real world. The main objective is to create a different connection with customers and increase engagement.

Augmented reality is quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in the advertising and marketing business. The technology has significantly grown in popularity over the last years. This market is expected to reach 117.4 billions of American dollars by 2022.

AR has a good welcome in a wide range of customers, from children to adults, from millennial to baby boomers. Basically, anyone owning a smartphone and Internet connection can have access to augmented reality.

Above is a list of the most creative uses of augmented reality, which companies are currently using.

1.Three-dimensional thinking

Ads are generally shown in a two-dimensional interface therefore this technology opens up a big range of new advertising possibilities using three dimensions. With

AR viewers can see an ad in their peripheral vision having more details and better view of it.

2. Communication of the Story telling

The story telling is part of marketer job in order to create connection and engagement with customers. AR is used to create participation between customers and the company, involving and creating a better experience of the brand. Enquire your digital consultant or SEO company for more ideas on how to use AR for marketing purposes.

3. Experiencing the products

Through this technology customers are allow to try the products in a virtual format and have a more details about the product. Imagining the product in your real life can influent in the final decision of buying a product.

4. Use in social media

This tool permit to ad innovative filters, animations and interactions to everyday objects correlated to the brand values. The presence of companies in our social media platform has become more common everyday.

5. Virtual tours

With augmented reality, advertisers are able to create unique experiences for buyers in shops by bringing in a digital virtual element. Customers enjoy the facility of doing a tour inside a shop without moving from home. The best virtual tours are on which customers are also able to find all the information about the products and get opinion form experts as if need it as if they were on the actual shop.

Source: www.glocmedia.com

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