Some Effective Principles Of Web Design That You Must Know

Some Effective Principles Of Web Design That You Must Know

Your website design is supposed to be crucial for conversions. You may go about implementing the most effective and conversion boosting strategy but it would not fetch the desired results unless your website looks good and is designed well. Web designing is not restricted to simply what designers do. Designing is also about marketing. It is your product and the way it works.

We have observed over the years that badly-designed websites do not perform well and have poor Google Analytics metrics such as low conversions, high bounce rates, low time per visit etc. So, you must be concerned about coming up with a really good web design. For that, you must know and implement effective web designing principles that would give you an attractive, easy to use, effective and engaging website. Here are some of the fundamental web design principles that everyone must use and abide by.

Know Your Purpose

A good web designer would know clearly the purpose of the website and of each and every web page. An effective web design would be catering to the precise requirements of the user. You must be clear about what your users are looking for. Are they visiting your website for entertainment, information, interaction or business transaction? Each and every web page must have a clear-cut purpose and must cater to a precise requirement of your users and in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

Communicate Clearly

Web users are looking for quick, almost instant information, therefore, it is mandatory to communicate clearly and ensure that the information you are providing on your website is easy to digest and read. You must follow a few effective strategies to make the communication clear and really effective. Some effective strategies may include providing well-structured and organized information by using headings and subheadings, using bullet points wherever needed to make the information short and precise.

Ensure Fast Load Time

Nobody cares for a website that takes a lot of time to load. No Internet user is willing to wait endlessly for a site to load. Web users are always in a hurry so you must minimize load times by optimization of image sizes, integration of code into the JavaScript file or CSS for reducing HTTP requests etc.

Make Navigation Easy & Convenient

Navigation is all about moving around the website and taking effective action easily and conveniently. Some strategies for easy navigation would be including logical page hierarchy, designing clickable buttons, using breadcrumbs, and implementing the popular three click rule that helps users to get the relevant information within just three clicks.

Create a Mobile Friendly Website

Today websites are accessed from multiple devices having different screen sizes. Smartphones and other devices are dominating the scenario and it is, therefore, mandatory to make your website mobile-friendly. You must create a responsive layout for your website or maintain a fully dedicated mobile site that would be optimized exclusively for mobile users.


It is not difficult to generate a functional and beautiful website. You must simply keep the above-discussed web design principles and elements in mind. These principles must be implemented to make your website more useful, engaging, responsive, and memorable for your web users.


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