SEO Tips: Why Updating SEO Maintenance Is Critical To Marketing Success

SEO Tips: Why Updating SEO Maintenance Is Critical To Marketing Success

Over the years experts have emphasized or de-emphasized of SEO tactics with the advent of new platforms or technology. Take social media for example. SEO tactics at first required just a focus on a website content and link structure. Today, examining social media usage should be included in a SEO plan, since Bing and Google have added social sharing clues into social engine results.Platforms such as Pinterest have started to verify accounts with associated websites, creating a stronger digital presence in some instances. Moreover, the advent of HTML5 has introduced new variations of web page element which needs to be optimized in some cases. So new technology means updating SEO maintenance is essential.

Another factor is the increased usage of mobile devices - customers search patterns can differ under mobile. Moreover customers can have a immediate purchase intent when accessing a site on the go. Thus deciding how to display your online presence for mobile search is necessary. Finally, page load speed can also be a factor in encouraging return visitors, so examining page load performance lead to changes which may impact SEO tactics. Minimizing images would mean a new set of image files which can then be named with intended keywords, for example. All of these factors mean that a website can become limited by both changes in the business (which drive content changes - imagine the need to remove a discontinued service, and you have the idea) and the opportunity to incorporate new web developments to better enhance the customer experience online. Thus recording SEO audit dates becomes essential in managing website changes and in guiding when to update a site. Businesses should be particularly aware of how the site generates content. Frequently updated content drives the need to audit. The successful websie tmaintenance of that content will be what ultimately drive branding, leads, and customers who will purchase from a business.

Original Source: Zimana

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