Top Reasons Why Bloggers Write Daily

Top Reasons Why Bloggers Write Daily

Today we take a look at part two of my 5-part series looking into why bloggers write daily. If you missed part 1 you can access it here, just be sure to come back. If you already read part 1 you may recall that this topic comes from an Infographic included inInfographic Kick Starta fabulous PLR product covering a number of Internet marketing topics. The series will run each Wednesday and I'll have links to each blog post as the next is published so that you can follow along or go back for a quick read. Introducing part two titled...

Drive Traffic

We all know that just because you write fantastic content doesn't mean it will get read but a streaming flow of hungry readers. Many bloggers write post after post simply to have virtually zippo audience. Just as with a brick and mortar business you must work to get attention and drive traffic to your site.

Take Advantage of Social Media

The easiest way to advertise your newly released content is to spread the word across the social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest. But don't simply create a message with the link to your blog post, talk about it. Write something that entices the social reader to click and visit. Include a short snippet of your topic and the benefit it brings to the visitor. Include the pain point you are addressing or the answer you are solving. You want to create a 3-second commercial for your post that makes the reader click.

Create Blog Posts That Attract

When pertinent to your content mention notable people who have been in the news or have made a name for themselves in the topic of your blog post. For example, if your topic is expanding your Twitter traffic, you could drop the name of Guy Kawasaki who has become the guru in building sizeable Twitter traffic. Or if you have a financial focused blog grab a line from the Suzie Orman show and expand upon it. The idea is to use a highly recognizable name to drive traffic to your post, but to make it work be sure to include their name in your blog post promotion or again who will know. Say something like, Suzie Orman suggests that you refinance your home in the next 20 days or you'll be losing money, read why.

Make Your Blog Title SEO Friendly

Sounds scary doesn't it, all those hours of keyword research and creating unique captivating content should be enough right? Well it is when you add the right icing to the cake. Create a headline that could be something a reader would type into a Google search. When they type in that phrase with any luck your blog post will be listed. Then repeat the keyword phrase in your introductory paragraph and throughout your post by changing the structure slightly. For example, "when should I start house breaking my puppy", can be reworded to "tips for when you should start housebreaking your puppy", or "what age should my puppy be to start housebreaking".

Mix Up Your Content Style

When your blog uses the exact same format post after post it can run the risk of becoming boring to returning visitors. By mixing up your styles you not ony creat a more enticing blog, you may even attract new visitors. There is no one format or style that guarantees visitors but adding a bit of creativity improves your chances. Give each of these blog post styles a shot to discover which convert best for your audience.

  • How-to and Tutorials
  • Product Reviews
  • Top 10 Lists
  • Checklists or Cheat sheets
  • Infographics (yeah, like this)
  • Blog Series (imagine that, again like this post)
  • Add Videos

Video Blog

Take a lesson from the brick and mortar businesses and create billboards, banners, and flyers that will be seen across the Internet. Video can act as your Internet billboard for attracting readers. You can use a video as the topic of your blog post and add text expanding on the topic. You can create your blog post strictly in video format where you are talking to your audience. You can create a video that acts as an infomercial promoting the key points of your blog post that you share via social media to drive traffic to your blog. There are a number of ways to drive traffic to your blog, don't simply try one or two and stop there. Get active, actually get interactive and become involved with your target market. Experiment with new angles and new approaches to expand your reach.

  • Have you used these methods to drive traffic to your blog?
  • What other methods would you recommend?

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