Mobile SEO: 5 Best Practices to Follow

Mobile SEO: 5 Best Practices to Follow

I've recently upgraded my phone to an iPhone 5S. Sure, it's behind the times a little but only if you consider Apple's fiendish addiction to updates where none are required. The point is, it's a great phone. And it's one I use increasingly to keep my life managed for me. Movie nights? There's an app for that. Dinner, maybe? Sure. I've got Zomato installed. (For those wondering what a Zomato is, it's India's equivalent for Yelp!).

If I don't have an app for anything I need, I've deffinitely got my browser. And if the website isn't loading on my phone in 20 seconds or less, I'm bouncing. You know when else I'm bouncing? If the website doesn't respond (in a timely manner) to fit my screen or if the font-size of the text or the site's design look all wonky on my phone. There are a few other things that get under my fingernails as far as browsing on a mobile is concerned, which got me thinking about exactly what marketers need to do to ensure their mobile sitesare fully optimized for the users experience. And so we have this blog post on the best practices for mobile SEO.

Mobile SEO: How Do You Get There? Build in Responsiveness:

For starters, it's what I've already mentioned briefly above. If your digital strategy has only recently begun to incorporate mobile browsing, responsive web design for mobile or responsiveness needs to be front and center as far your priorities are concerned. Have you built in the capability for your site to detect varied screen sizes and adjust the layout accordingly? For the uninitiated, best mobile websites is the responsive websites do away with maintaining the same website on multiple URLs. Your site has just the one address and regardless of whether it's being accessed on a smartphone, a tablet, a "phablet" or really big monitors, it's the layout that does all the work.

Advantage 1: You're not losing users because of painfully slow site redirects.

Advantage 2: Google will love you.

Just be careful that you're not blocking crawlers from reading your CSS and JavaScript files.

Kill the Content Overload:

Don't do it! Mobile SEO does not work well with content overload. How to create mobile website? The golden rule of digital marketing is to optimize the user experience. And great user experience is not the love child of pages loaded with heavy media files and ads you wouldn't show to your audience anyway.

For example, we all know that most mobile browsers don't support Flash videos. (If you don't, then I know your web designer does!). And if, under all conscious awareness, you still go ahead and embed a Flash video that your mobile users can't access? That's just bad juju, man.

Necessary steps in Mobile SEO optimization

Minimize Your 404s:

This is a pretty dreaded number in my book. Because, if you have a mobile site, and your users are trying to access you from an unrecognized device and they still get sent to your 404 page, then I don't even know what to say to you.

This one's right up there with the Google bot Mobile errors where you're stuck in an infinite loop of "uncrawlable" mobile sites.

URL Configuration:

In the mobile url best practices if moving everything to one URL isn't possible, do you know what you have to do to in order to ensure Google understands the link between your desktop site and your mobile site?

Get Analytics on Your Side

There's always a whole gaggle of data coming in that can easily become a bunch of garbled statistics if it isn't viewed or understood with the right lens on.

It's a good thing we've got Google Analytics to help out us lesser mortals.

What you're looking for is to see the consistency of traffic volumes between your desktop and mobile sites. Be fairly warned that your numbers for smartphones, especially conversions, will be much lower than your desktop numbers, which is certainly to be expected.

I know in the mobile seo tips i haven't said a word about keyword optimization and there's a reason behind that. There's a lot more to be covered with this ever-evolving realm of SEO, but that's why we break up our content into segments.

In the meantime, if you've enjoyed this post or feel we should have added more to the content, feel free to leave a comment below or share your thoughts on our Twitter account (@tech_magnate).

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