3 Quick SEO Tips

3 Quick SEO Tips

I'm certainly no SEO wizard, guru, a genius. I'm just an everyday blogger trying to build a business online one step at a time. But we all know that we have to understand at least a bit of SEO to attract traffic to our sites - right? So I thought I would list out three SEO tips / tactics I try using with my websites and blogs in hopes that you will share tips that have helped your sites attract visitors.

Tip #1 - Tag Your Keywords

I do keyword research before starting in a niche or even beginning a website, to help me drill down on what I feel will get traffic, be marketable, and can be monetized. My usual sources are: ~ Google Planner ~ Market Samurai ~ Ubersuggest I love Ubersuggest and often use it for targeting blog post topics and will be using it for future e-book topics. I'm sure most of you use these same tools, but do you also tag your keywords? My take on tags, is that they're what search engines look at, so if there are no tags, or inappropriate tags, they may just pass right by my web pages and posts. These are the tag areas that I try to target, plus I also use the plugin All in One SEO to give my sites a boost. I've not run any analytics on how it helps my sites. I simply follow the advice of many positive reviewers.

Title Tags

Title tags may quite possibly be the most important place to situate your keywords. Here's what they look like - Your title tag is where you place your primary keyword or keyword phrase, should describe your site, and contain fewer than 70 characters.

Header Tags

Header tags are next in order of importance as they provide the search engines with a summary of the page or post. They're ranked in order of importance and look like this-

Primary and/or Secondary keywords

Meta Tags

Meta tags or Meta Description tags, provide the small descriptive text that helps tell search engines what your site is about.

Alt Tags

Alt tags are used to provide a text description of an image or picture on your site but they don't necessarily need to describe the picture. Add a corresponding keyword if it fits better. For example, I may use this image of a light bulb but instead of the alt tag reading "light bulb", I'll use SEO tips.

Tip #2 - Add Unique Content Regularly

Unique, quality content is essential for traffic and search engine ranking. Content is what search engine spiders (bots) look for and index, without it there's nothing to index or rank. Meaning basically, if the content on your site seldom changes then there is no need for the search engines to stop by. I have two blogs I try to maintain. With this site I try posting three to four times per week with a regular post on Fridays. As for my other blog I am not so regimented and I need to work on changing that. The biggest benefit to all this, is when the content is interesting and useful, visitor traffic will increase which helps the search engines find and index your site.

Tip #3 - Be Social!

Building your internet business is about building your presence and community. It is essential that you actively participate in social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. These can be powerful tools for generating links and traffic to your site. I adhere to a regular pattern of notifying each of these sites immediately after I add a new post to my blog so as to get the word out and do a bit of self-promotion. It's also important to update your profile occasionally and post comments with links to your site when appropriate. But don't stop there, take part in conversations or try to start a new conversation. Basically, get involved - don't just use them as linking sources. Join a chat room, a challenge group, and niche specific forums to help find your audience.

Original Source: marilynthompsonsolutions.com

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